Thursday, January 31, 2013

In Class and HW - 1/31/13

Access the journal article through the link below and read it in order to learn more about how investigations in food science and nutrition can be carried. Then summarize the major points of the article by using the summary template.

Among young adults, college students and graduates practiced more healthful habits and made more healthful food choices than did nonstudents. Georgiou, C., Betts, N., Hoerr, S., Keim, K., et al.

Article Summary Template:

- Title of article:

- Who wrote it?

- What were they trying to find out?

- How did they try to figure it out?

- What did they find out?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

HW - 1/30/13

Tonight's homework is to finish reading, annotating, and summarizing the article as well as connecting its contents to your own food choices.

The major questions to think about when connecting this article to your own food choices is "What factors affected the food choices I made yesterday?" and "How did these factors affect my choices?"

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

HW - 1/29/13

Tonight's homework is simply to record everything that you eat or drink from the end of class until class tomorrow. Try to be as specific as possible including information such as brands (if possible) and the amount of food/drink consumed.