Monday, April 27, 2015

Pickling Lab

Here is the access to the pickling lab data googledoc.


There is no formal homework for tonight. If you would like, then read about how to make sorbet.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 51A. 

Assignment #51A Investigating the Effect of Salt on Boiling Point

Answer all of the follow questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. Thoroughly analyze the data. Remember, this entails…

            a. Graphing the data (the relationship between salt added and max temperature/boiling point of water)
            b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.
            c. Evaluating your hypothesis
            d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

2. What is actually happening when a liquid (like water) boils?

3. Why do some recipes recommend that those heating water to a boil should add salt?

Useful Resource
Boiling Point Elevation - Purdue University (only focus on The Microscopic View)
Boiling Point Elevation - Khan Academy (you only need to watch the first 8 or so minutes)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Provided you already finished Assignment 50A and have a quality hypothesis for the pickling experiment then you do not have any homework.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 50A. Use the link to see it in its entirety in case you were out today.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Today in class, the task was to read "What is Pickling?" and "The Race of Microorganisms"  and take notes on relevant information.

Then students accessed the interactive here and used it to craft a hypothesis about how concentrations of salt will impact the pH and products of fermentation/pickling.

Guiding Questions - use the links above to help answer these questions

What is pickling? What happens during it?

What is the role of salt in pickling?

How are fermentation (esp. pickling) and pH/acids connected?

Pickling Predictions

How does the concentration of salt affect pickling?

How does the concentration of salt affect the pH of pickled products?

If you have completed this, then you have no homework.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


There is a check in tomorrow, so everyone should review their notes about fermentation. Additionally, you should review your observations and data and start to form inferences and conclusions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


There is no homework tonight. Maybe work on that exhibition for half an hour?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Tonight's homework is to revise your hypothesis and experimental plan for tomorrow's fermentation experiments.

Hypothesis Rubric                                                                             

4 (Mastery)
3 (Proficient)
2 (Approaching)
1 (Needs Revision)
Presents a clear and testable hypothesis that answers investigative question
Hypothesis concisely but clearly establishes a logical, measurable, and testable prediction that explains the relationship between variables and is supported with a logical rationale.
Hypothesis concisely but clearly establishes a logical, testable prediction that explains the relationship between variables and is supported with a logical rationale but is lacking in detail (units of measurement, supporting rationale, etc.)
Hypothesis establishes a testable prediction explaining the relationship between variables BUT is illogical, not explicitly measurable, or lacking an explanation OR hypothesis establishes an illogical or incorrect prediction.
Hypothesis neither establishes a clear, logical, testable, and measurable prediction that explains the relationship between variables nor contains adequate rationale.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read "Fermentation: When Food Goes Bad But Stays Good" from and to choose two foods and explain (in detail) how fermentation is used to produce those foods. This is in addition to Assignment 48/B - which was developing a question, hypothesis, and brief plan to test it (i.e. finishing today's classwork).

Fermented foods/drinks
Soy sauce

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Your homework for spring break is to complete Assignment 47B. Here is the link for inputting your data and observations.

Assignment 47B Now You’re Cooking! – Part 4: Evaluating the Effects of Heat on Nutrients

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability on another piece of paper. Assume that this is being collected and scored. Because it is.

1. What are your conclusions from your work this week? Support any conclusions with specific evidence, observations, etc.

2. Describe the source of error that may have impacted your data and conclusions. Be sure to explain how the error worked to change the data and/or your conclusion based upon it.

3. What are the applications of your findings? How can be they used to benefit others?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 47. There will also be a check-in tomorrow.