Thursday, April 23, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 51A. 

Assignment #51A Investigating the Effect of Salt on Boiling Point

Answer all of the follow questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. Thoroughly analyze the data. Remember, this entails…

            a. Graphing the data (the relationship between salt added and max temperature/boiling point of water)
            b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.
            c. Evaluating your hypothesis
            d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

2. What is actually happening when a liquid (like water) boils?

3. Why do some recipes recommend that those heating water to a boil should add salt?

Useful Resource
Boiling Point Elevation - Purdue University (only focus on The Microscopic View)
Boiling Point Elevation - Khan Academy (you only need to watch the first 8 or so minutes)

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