Thursday, February 28, 2013

HW - 2/28/13

Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 5. 

Assignment 5

You eat a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for lunch. Using vocabulary and details, trace its path through the digestive system, describing what happens to the food in each region of the digestive tract. Focus on the protein and fat in the bacon, the water in the lettuce/tomato, and the carbohydrates in the bread/tomato.


"The Gastrointestinal Tract" from Nutrition (Insel, Turner, and Ross)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

HW - 2/27/13

Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 4 (if you have not done so already).


1. Create an account at

2. Log the foods and drinks that you recorded in your food log. Do so for all of the days that you have recorded (or as many as you can).

3. Click on “Total Nutrition” (next to “Food Log”). Toggle between the Graph and Table options in order to visualize the nutritional contents of the foods/drinks you consumed in meaningful ways.

4. Think about and answer the following:

a. What is your initial reaction to the information supplied to you? For example, do you agree/disagree with its accuracy?

b. What questions do you have about the terminology/abbreviations used?

c. Do any of the values surprise you? Why or why not?

d. What does the term RDA (or RDA %) mean to you?

e. Are there any nutrients that you are getting more than enough of? Why do you think that is?

f. Are there any nutrients that you are getting less than enough of? Why do you think that is?

g. Why do you think you were tasked with recording your diet over multiple days instead of just one?

h. What do you think is the value of using websites like to record and analyze one’s food intake?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Food Choice Investigation Overview

Food Choice Investigation: Developing the Final Product

The final product of your investigation in food choices will consist of the following:

·      An introduction including:
o   Background information and a summary of research related to your question
o   References (using APA or MLA citations) to at least 3 sources (at least one scholarly article)
o   Your research question(s)
o   Your thesis

·      Methodology featuring:
o   Your survey
o   A description of to whom it was given along with pertinent details (when, where, etc.)

·      A description of your results with:
o   Organized data table(s) for at least three questions (including at least one open-ended and one structured/fixed response question)
o   Results of statistical analysis for at least three questions (including at least one open-ended and one structured/fixed response question)

·      A discussion of your findings such as
o   Trends and conclusions – what important inferences could you make based on analyzing your data?
o   An evaluation of your thesis – was it supported or refuted by your investigation and analysis?
o   The limitations of your findings – you have results and answers to your questions, but to whom do those answers not apply? Were there issues with your questions or subject populations?
o   Applications of your research – what can people (ex. consumers, lawmakers, health care professionals, educators, etc.) do with your findings?
o   Questions for future investigations – what new questions do you have about your topic? How would you go about answering them?

·      An APA or MLA formatted bibliography

HW - 2/26/13 and Checklist

Your final drafts are due tomorrow in class. Please come prepared with a paper copy. See previous postings for recommendations, requirements, etc.

Below is the checklist generated in class.

  • Does your introduction contain at least 3 references?
  • Is there at least one reference to a scholarly article?
  • Are your citations according to MLA or APA style?
  • Does your introduction state your EQ and (hypo)thesis?
  • Do you have tables/graphs for at least 3 of your survey questions?
  • Are you graphs/tables properly labeled?
  • Do discuss trends and conclusions in your discussion section?
  • Do you refer to your data/calculations for each inference/conclusion you make?
  • Did you explain your results? ie. What happened in order to produce them?
  • Did you discuss sources of error in and limitations to your survey?
  • Did you discuss the applications/significance of your findings?
  • Did you develop future questions to investigate?
  • Did you answer your EQ and evaluate your (hypo)thesis?
  • Did you proofread?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Food Choice Investigation Rubric

Graphing Criteria Checklist (4 Skill Points)                                                      SCORE: _____
£  Provides an informative title
£  Labels axes with units
£  Ind. & dep. variables graphed on appropriate axes
£  Axes use appropriate scales
£  Points/bars are plotted correctly
£  Uses a ruler to make graph
£  Graph is made large and clear
Analysis Checklist (4 Skill Points)                                                                                                                           SCORE: _____
4 (Mastery)
3 (Proficient)
2 (Approaching)
1 (Needs Revision)
Correctly identifies whether or not thesis is supported by data.
Specifically and correctly states if (and to what degree) the thesis is supported by the data, accounting for complexities and anomalies in the data.

States whether or not the thesis is generally supported by the data but does not discuss complexities – ex. data that does not fit trend OR specifically, but incorrectly states if the hypothesis is support by the data
Does not clearly state whether or not the thesis is supported by the data
Draws conclusions based on evidence
Correctly and clearly states a conclusion about the thesis that is supported by a set of data by analyzing several questions including open-ended and fixed response
Correctly states a conclusion about the thesis that is supported by a set of data by analyzing multiple questions including open-ended and fixed response
Correctly states a conclusion about the thesis that is vague or is supported by vague evidence OR states an incorrect claim with evidence as support
States a conclusion about the thesis with little to no evidence

Supports conclusions with specific evidence
Evidence refers to multiple, specific data points and/or calculations (ex. mean, mode, SD) to support claims.
Evidence refers to a specific data point and/or calculation to support each claim.
Evidence refers to general trends to support claims.
Makes vague references to data to support claim.
Reflection Checklist (4 Skill Points)                                                                                                                     SCORE: _____
Identifies relevant sources of error.

Clearly identifies and describes at least one relevant source of error that is NOT simply human error during the experiment.
Identifies and describes one relevant source of error that is NOT simply human error OR clearly describes a source of error that is simply human error during the experiment.
Identifies but does not clearly describe the source of error in the experiment.
Identifies but does not attempt to describe the source of error.
Describes how the data is changed by the error.

Specifically and clearly describes how the data collected was altered by the error.
Clearly describes which data was altered by the error but does not clearly describe how it was altered. 
Addresses that the source of error changed the data but does not explain its effect clearly.
Does not address how the source of error changed the data.
Identifies and describes limitations to the conclusions.
Clearly defines limitations based on the setup/implementation of the survey AND clearly explains how those choices impacted the data/conclusions.
Clearly defines a limitation based on the setup/implementation of the survey and acknowledges how those choices impacted the data/conclusions.
Defines a limitations based on the setup/implementation of the survey but does not explain how those choices impacted the data/conclusions.
Does not propose a limitation and/or does not clearly explain how the survey altered data
Content Checklist (4 Content Points)                                                                                                                 SCORE: _____
4 (Mastery)
3 (Proficient)
2 (Approaching)
1 (Needs Revision)
Demonstrates knowledge of class/research material.
Very consistently demonstrates deep knowledge of researched material by correctly using vocabulary and explaining examples/statistics clearly.
Consistently demonstrates knowledge of researched material by correctly using vocabulary and explaining examples/statistics.
Demonstrates knowledge of researched material by using vocabulary and explaining examples, but with some errors or pieces of evidence lacking.
Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of researched material through errors or lack of usage/ explanation.
Supplies possible explanation(s) for the data.
Supplies plausible explanation(s) that is thoroughly explained using scientific concepts/ vocabulary from class/research and logical reasoning
Supplies a plausible explanation that is explained using logical reasoning and vocabulary from class/research.
Supplies an explanation that while possible, is very implausible and possibly illogical OR states a logical, plausible explanation that does not discuss content/vocabulary from class
Supplies an explanation that is very weak either in terms of logic or connection to class material
Application Checklist (4 Content Points)                                                                                                            SCORE: _____
Discusses applications of the findings.
Identifies and explains multiple detailed examples of how the experiment or concepts/vocabulary related to it can be used in science and/or the real world.
Identifies and explains a detailed example of how the experiments or concepts/vocabulary related to it can be used in science and/or the real world.
Identifies an example of how the experiment can be applied, but does not support it thoroughly.
Identifies an example of the topic’s applications but without support.
Proposes new questions for investigation.
Proposes and describes new questions for investigation and logically explains how those questions could be answered
Proposes and describes new questions for investigation and briefly describes how those questions could be answered
Proposes and describes new questions for investigation and acknowledges how those questions could be answered
Does not thoroughly introduce new questions and/or the means to answer them
Writing Conventions Checklist (4 Work Habit Points)                                                                                 SCORE: _____
Communicates clearly and efficiently.
Very consistently uses clear language and follows grammar and spelling rules (uses 3rd person, past tense, etc.).
Consistently uses clear language and follows grammar and spelling rules (uses 3rd person, past tense, etc.).
Mostly uses clear language and follows grammar and spelling rules.
Comprehension is difficult due to lack of proofreading.
Properly credits sources.
Correctly completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND properly cites within text
Completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND cites within text with minor errors
Completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND cites within text with minor errors but with clear errors
Bibliography, citations, or both are missing.

HW - 2/25/13

Just a reminder to continue working on your final drafts of the Food Choice Investigation paper as they are due in class on Wednesday.

Friday, February 22, 2013

HW - 2/22/13

This weekend's homework is to complete the drafting of your Discussion section by writing about the applications of your findings and developing questions for future investigations.

Applications of your findings
·         What can people (ex. consumers, lawmakers, health care professionals, educators, etc.) do with your findings?
·         Do your findings affect you as an eater and/or the advice that you would give your classmates/friends/family?

Questions for future investigations
·         What lingering questions do you have about your topic?
o   How would you go about answering them?
·         What new questions do you have about your topic?
o   How would you go about answering them?

The final draft of your paper is due in class on Wednesday, February 27.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

HW - 2/21/13

Tonight's homework is to complete your write-up of the limitations of your project.

When looking at the three questions you analyzed, think about...

- the wording... was the question leading or unclear?
- your survey population... to whom do your results apply? What populations/generalizations are outside the scope of your project?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

HW - 2/20/13

Tonight's homework is to complete the draft of your conclusions (ie. the answer(s) to your question and the evaluation of your hypothesis). Whenever possible, be sure to support any and all conclusions with specific references to your data/calculations.

You can set your conclusions up however you would like, but if you are looking for inspiration...

  • The answer to the investigative question (________________) was..
  • This conclusion was supported by...
  • The thesis was supported/refuted because...

Friday, February 15, 2013

HW - 2/15/13

This weekend's homework is to complete Assignment 2 and analyze the results of your survey.

Look over your survey and for each relevant question:
  • -        Code the responses
  • -        Run a basic statistical analysis – determine the most useful statistics that you can like mean, mode, median, standard deviation, frequencies, range, maximum, minimum, Q1 and Q3
  • -        Make inferences based on your analysis – ie. what is the data telling you?

Based on your analyses of the class surveys, carry out the following:
  • -        create visual representations of the data from the question you studied (ex. a graph)
  • -        draw conclusions about the food choices or eating behaviors of your subjects
    • osupport this conclusion by referring to specific pieces of data, calculations, statistical analyses, etc.

Think about how your methods of investigation influenced your results?
  • -        Are there examples where you feel the way that you asked a question have a meaningful influence on the responses? Support your answer.
  • -        Are there examples where who you asked had a meaningful influence on the responses? Support your answer.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

HW - 2/14/13

Tonight's homework is to complete the draft of your introduction and the distribution of your survey. Both are due in class tomorrow.

Introduction Checklist

  • Does your introduction discuss the significance of your topic/question?
  • Do you clearly describe information and/or vocabulary necessary to understand your topic?
  • Do you incorporate statistics and/or findings from research projects related to your question?
  • Do you have 3 references including at least one scholarly article?
  • Does each reference contain an APA or MLA style citation?
  • Do you explain the purpose of your project?