Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HW - 4/17/13 and Micronutrient PBAT Overview

Tonight's homework is to study for the exam. I suggest making a chart/study guide from this week's notes. You can (but do not have to) continue working on the PBAT you started in class. 

Diagnosing a Dietary Disaster!


You have just graduated medical school and are now beginning your residency. You and your team of other residents will be working together to help Dr. House (who is back from the “dead,” but can’t practice medicine) with some of his more straightforward cases (sorry, no Exploding Head Syndrome or hypertrichosis to solve this time). Your task is as follows:

1. Based on the reporting patient’s symptoms, make a claim and diagnose the dietary deficiency to the best of your ability. Support your conclusion with logical reasoning.

2. Recommend a treatment for the patient with an explanation of why you think this will work.

3. Produce a write-up for the patient’s medical files as well as a report to your supervisor. Your individual write-up will include the following:

a. The patient’s symptoms
b. Your diagnosis of the dietary deficiency and the reasoning/evidence behind it
c. Your recommendation for treatment supported by reasoning and evidence
d. A prognosis for the patient – Do you expect the patient to survive? Will he or she live a normal life and be able to maintain homeostasis? Explain.
e. An APA formatted bibliography

4 (Mastery)
3 (Proficient)
2 (Approaching)
1 (Needs Revision)
Draws conclusion and makes diagnosis
Correctly diagnoses disorder/disease
Correctly diagnoses disorder/disease
Incorrectly diagnoses disorder/disease, but diagnosis is close to actual condition
Incorrectly diagnoses disorder/disease
Supports conclusions with specific evidence
Correctly and clearly uses several pieces of evidence and reasoning to support diagnosis
Correctly uses multiple pieces of evidence and reasoning to support diagnosis
Correctly uses evidence but relies heavily on one/few pieces of evidence OR misinterprets and/or misuses a piece of evidence
Misinterprets and/or misuses multiple pieces of evidence
Demonstrates detailed knowledge of content
Consistently and correctly uses detailed explanations (to discuss condition, affected body system(s), etc.)
Correctly uses detailed explanations
Uses details and explains, but with minor errors
Avoids details OR does not explain thoroughly
Written work acknowledges sources
Always writes in student friendly language without information directly lifted from sources AND contains an APA formatted bibliography
Consistently writes in student friendly language without information directly lifted from sources AND contains an APA formatted bibliography
Consistently writes in student friendly language without information directly lifted from sources OR contains an APA formatted bibliography
Does not consistently write in student friendly language OR lifts information directly from sources OR does not submit a bibliography
Written work is professional
Writes elegantly and in a sophisticated manner while very consistently adhering to spelling and grammar conventions.
Very consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.
Consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.
Mostly adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.

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