Tuesday, April 23, 2013

HW - 4/23/13

Your homework is to complete #2 and 3 from Assignment 22 (extra credit if read/write about both hypertension and diabetes). See below.

Assignment #22 Investigating Hypertension and Diabetes

Your task is to work with a partner (in a sense) to review and learn more about hypertension and diabetes and better understand the role that diet, behavior, and other factors have on these chronic diseases. The ultimate goal is that you are better able to discuss and make recommendations about how diet and behavior are related to chronic disease – and then be able to support those recommendations.

To begin accomplishing this task, please do the following:

1. Choose to research hypertension or diabetes. Your partner will research the other option.

2. Read the selected articles about your chronic disease.

3. Take note and record the following:
·      - basic information – ex. what is diabetes?
·      -  what factors affect the development/onset/control of the disease – ex. what can cause or affect hypertension?
·      - how each factor affects the disease – ex. how does salt intake affect hypertension?
·      - the research that supports this relationship – ex. how do we know that salt intake can affect hypertension?

4. Go over your notes.

5. Present a summary of your findings to your partner. What you present should allow your classmate to have basic information about a chronic disease and be able to make clear, supported recommendations.

Use the links below to read about diabetes and hypertension. You need to log into ProQuest first in order to access the articles without issue (sorry).


Harvard School of Public Health

http://search.proquest.com/docview/432705142/13D9A568E306AEEB751/2?accountid=59768 OR 

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