Friday, September 5, 2014


This weekend's homework is to complete Assignment #1 by completing the Reading a Scientific Journal Article Graphic Organizer for the assigned article. You should also review the syllabus/contract with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and get it signed.

Remember that from class today, you should:

1. Start by reading the title (thanks Patrick) and then the abstract.
2. Next skim the introduction looking for big ideas and the purpose behind the investigation.
3. Skip to the discussion section to find the authors' conclusions and the applications of those findings.
4. Finally, check the results section to find evidence to support the conclusions that the authors drew.

The 11th grade section should read and write about Why Americans eat what they do and 12th graders should read and write about Among young adults, college students and graduate practiced more healthful habits...

Reading a Scientific Journal Article Graphic Organizer



Why was the research carried out? What is the purpose/problem that this research addresses?

What did the researchers actually do in their investigation?

What conclusions did they draw?

What pieces of evidence support those conclusions?

What are the applications of these findings? And/or what are the next steps that authors propose?

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