Monday, September 1, 2014

Summer Assignment Rubric

The following will be used to evaluate your responses on the summer assignment.

Mastery – 4
Proficient – 3
Satisfactory – 2
Needs Revision – 1
Support of claim

Thoroughly supports claims with several detailed, convincing, specific reasons/pieces of evidence as well as refuted counterclaims
Supports claims with multiple detailed, specific reasons/pieces of evidence as well as attempts at forming counterclaims/ refutations of them
Supports claims with multiple detailed, convincing specific reasons/pieces of evidence but neglects to make use of counterclaim
Supports claims with reasons/ evidence that are not convincing due to lack of detail, specificity, or clarity OR not having enough pieces of evidence to support each claim
Demonstrates knowledge
Consistently demonstrates deep knowledge of material in readings by constantly: using vocabulary, explaining examples clearly, incorporating statistics, etc.
Consistently demonstrates knowledge of material in readings by: using vocabulary, explaining examples clearly, incorporating statistics, etc and minor errors or occasions for further explanation may be present
Demonstrates knowledge of material in readings by using vocabulary, etc. but with multiple or glaring errors or lack of a detail
Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of material from readings through errors or lack of usage/ explanation.
Credit to sources
While writing in his/her own words, correctly completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND properly cites within text
While writing in his/her own words, completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND cites within text with only minor errors
While writing in his/her own words, completes an APA/MLA formatted bibliography AND cites within text but with clear errors
Bibliography, citations, or both are missing or it is obvious that student is not giving due credit to sources through his/her style of writing
Writing conventions
Writes elegantly and in a sophisticated manner while very consistently adhering to spelling and grammar conventions
Very consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions
Consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions
Mostly adheres to spelling and grammar conventions

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