Thursday, October 16, 2014


Tonight's homework is to read "The Ultimate Social Network" and complete Assignment 7.

Assignment 7 - “The Ultimate Social Network” Reading Comprehension Questions

Pre-Reading Questions – Complete these BEFORE starting to read the article.

1. How do you feel about bacteria? For example, are they harmful? Beneficial? Explain your opinion.

2. How do you feel about antibiotics? For example, are they beneficial? Harmful? Explain your opinion.

Post-Reading Questions – Complete these AFTER finishing your reading of the article.

3. Summarize the article in a paragraph.

4. How does this article relate to what we have been discussing in class this week?

5. At this point, how do you feel about bacteria? Has your opinion changed? Stayed the same? Explain.

6. How do you feel about antibiotics? Has your opinion changed? Stayed the same? Explain.

Also, here is a link for a pretty helpful video about the roles of the structures within the digestive system.

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