Friday, June 5, 2015

6/5/15 and 6/8/15

You should start/continue reviewing for the final exam. Use this as a resource to prepare for reviewing further on Monday.

Regarding the final, if you are unsure as to if you qualify for an exemption for the final (i.e. you have a 90 average or above), then check PupilPath ASAP. Those are the grades that I am using to determine who is exempt and who is not.

Regarding the project due today, if you did not turn it in on Friday. then you will notice a change in your grade. I will change the grade when I receive a paper copy of your final project.

If you do not find either of these to your liking, then you should speak to me in class.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


You need to finish the final project and submit a paper copy of it on Friday in class. Use the previous posts as you see fit. I will be available in my classroom after 10:30am.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Just a reminder that your final project is due on Friday, June 5th. See the previous posts for assistance and resources.

Also, your final exam will take place on the afternoon of next Wednesday, June 10th.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Today in class we examined the model final project and then continued working on our final projects - due in class on Friday.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Today we continued working on the final project and examined the rubric with which it will be evaluated.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Tonight's homework is to continue working on the final project due Friday, June 5th.

5/26/15 - Final Project Parts 2 and 3

Sorry for the late post. Here and here are Parts 2 and 3 of the Final Project.

Friday, May 22, 2015


This weekend's homework is to continue logging your food consumption on (you need to log at least 5 days of consumption) and keep working on the final project.

And for the seniors, this was 403 during periods 3 and 4. Thanks?

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Today we are continuing to evaluate and discuss different food pyramids as guides for how to eat going forward.

If/when you finish you can start on Part 2 or 3 of the Final Project by entering your food/drink consumption into your account on (Part 2) or examining Food Rules by Michael Pollan (Part 3).

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


There is no formal homework if you completed the Food Safety Assessment in class today.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015


This weekend's homework is to complete Assignment 55.

Assignment 55 - Do NYC’s Restaurants Make the Grade?

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. Describe your understanding of how the NYC Department of Health’s Restaurant Scoring system works.

2. How does the health rating of a restaurant affect your decision to purchase food prepared at it?

3. To what degree has the Health Department met its goals of improving sanitary conditions and food safety practices in restaurants and reducing illnesses associated with dining out? Support your conclusions with evidence from the 18 month report.

OPTIONAL – Check out Brian McCabe’s “Grading New York’s Restaurants: What’s in an ‘A’?”


Thursday, May 14, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 54. Also, be sure to keep your eye out for the grades that your favorite/local restaurants receive from the Department of Health.

Assignment 54 – Preventing Foodborne Illnesses

1. From what you have read today, what are best practices for promoting food safety when preparing food?

2. How does temperature affect food safety? Think back to earlier material and explain yourself.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Today in class we investigated the incidence of foodborne illnesses and analyzed data in order to draw conclusions about the changes in foodborne illnesses over time.

Tonight's homework is to choose or devise a question about food safety, research it, and write a response to it. I also recommend watching this video clip.

Food Borne Illness Questions
  • Can cannibalism spread any illnesses (ex. HIV)?
  • How can we prevent/minimize the risk of foodborne illness?
  • Can beverages spread foodborne illness?
  • Are FBI’s transmitted by other means?
  • Who should be held accountable when there are outbreaks of foodborne illness?
  • Which organization(s) regulates food safety?
  • Can all foods lead to foodborne illness?
  • What are the worst outbreaks of foodborne illness that have occurred?
  • What recourse do consumers have if they contract an foodborne illness?
  • What happens to a food producer that has their product recalled (voluntary or mandated)?
  • Where (i.e. from what animals) do common foodborne pathogens come from?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read (and research as necessary) this article to set up the next section of our unit on food preparation and processing.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Tonight's homework is to study for tomorrow's quiz. These study questions should be helpful.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/7/15 and 5/8/15 and Pickling Lab Data

Here is the access to the pickling lab data googledoc. You should make a copy of the data (by clicking on File and and then you could sort it by different columns - like the food or the salt concentration.

This weekend's homework is to finish thoroughly analyzing the data from the pickling experiment. Also, remember that we are having a quiz on Tuesday related to topics like cooking, enzymes, fermentation, the Maillard reaction, and pH.

Remember, thoroughly analyzing your data entails…

a. Graphing the data

b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.

c. Evaluating your hypothesis

d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

What sources of error could have affected your data collection, data, and/or conclusions? How did these errors actually change your data/conclusions?

How To Make a Good Looking Graph with Google Sheet and Make a Legend with Labels

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete your data analysis/discussion of the catalase experiment.

Thoroughly analyze the data. Remember, this entails…

a. Graphing the data

b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.

c. Evaluating your hypothesis

d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

What sources of error could have affected your data collection, data, and/or conclusions? How did these errors actually change your data/conclusions?

Class Data - 11AC
Temp. (C)
Height of Foam (cm)
Class Data - 12AC
Temp. (C)
Height of Foam (cm)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Tonight's homework is to thoroughly analyze the data you obtained during today's experiment. Remember, this entails…

a. Graphing the data

b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.

c. Evaluating your hypothesis

d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

Also, what sources of error could have affected your data collection, data, and/or conclusions? How did these errors actually change your data/conclusions?

Monday, May 4, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 53.

Assignment 53 Enzymes in Food - Comprehension and Reflection Questions

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. REVIEW: What are enzymes? Why do organisms have and use them? 

2. Summarize the uses of enzymes in processing food.

3. What concerns might people have about the usage of enzymes as food additives?


Friday, May 1, 2015


This weekend's homework is to draft a hypothesis related to the effect of temperature on the activity of catalase. Think about what you are changing, what you are measuring, and the reasoning behind it.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Pickling Lab

Here is the access to the pickling lab data googledoc.


There is no formal homework for tonight. If you would like, then read about how to make sorbet.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 51A. 

Assignment #51A Investigating the Effect of Salt on Boiling Point

Answer all of the follow questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. Thoroughly analyze the data. Remember, this entails…

            a. Graphing the data (the relationship between salt added and max temperature/boiling point of water)
            b. Forming inferences, looking for trends, etc.
            c. Evaluating your hypothesis
            d. Explaining the data and connecting it to class content

2. What is actually happening when a liquid (like water) boils?

3. Why do some recipes recommend that those heating water to a boil should add salt?

Useful Resource
Boiling Point Elevation - Purdue University (only focus on The Microscopic View)
Boiling Point Elevation - Khan Academy (you only need to watch the first 8 or so minutes)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Provided you already finished Assignment 50A and have a quality hypothesis for the pickling experiment then you do not have any homework.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 50A. Use the link to see it in its entirety in case you were out today.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Today in class, the task was to read "What is Pickling?" and "The Race of Microorganisms"  and take notes on relevant information.

Then students accessed the interactive here and used it to craft a hypothesis about how concentrations of salt will impact the pH and products of fermentation/pickling.

Guiding Questions - use the links above to help answer these questions

What is pickling? What happens during it?

What is the role of salt in pickling?

How are fermentation (esp. pickling) and pH/acids connected?

Pickling Predictions

How does the concentration of salt affect pickling?

How does the concentration of salt affect the pH of pickled products?

If you have completed this, then you have no homework.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


There is a check in tomorrow, so everyone should review their notes about fermentation. Additionally, you should review your observations and data and start to form inferences and conclusions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


There is no homework tonight. Maybe work on that exhibition for half an hour?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Tonight's homework is to revise your hypothesis and experimental plan for tomorrow's fermentation experiments.

Hypothesis Rubric                                                                             

4 (Mastery)
3 (Proficient)
2 (Approaching)
1 (Needs Revision)
Presents a clear and testable hypothesis that answers investigative question
Hypothesis concisely but clearly establishes a logical, measurable, and testable prediction that explains the relationship between variables and is supported with a logical rationale.
Hypothesis concisely but clearly establishes a logical, testable prediction that explains the relationship between variables and is supported with a logical rationale but is lacking in detail (units of measurement, supporting rationale, etc.)
Hypothesis establishes a testable prediction explaining the relationship between variables BUT is illogical, not explicitly measurable, or lacking an explanation OR hypothesis establishes an illogical or incorrect prediction.
Hypothesis neither establishes a clear, logical, testable, and measurable prediction that explains the relationship between variables nor contains adequate rationale.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read "Fermentation: When Food Goes Bad But Stays Good" from and to choose two foods and explain (in detail) how fermentation is used to produce those foods. This is in addition to Assignment 48/B - which was developing a question, hypothesis, and brief plan to test it (i.e. finishing today's classwork).

Fermented foods/drinks
Soy sauce

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Your homework for spring break is to complete Assignment 47B. Here is the link for inputting your data and observations.

Assignment 47B Now You’re Cooking! – Part 4: Evaluating the Effects of Heat on Nutrients

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability on another piece of paper. Assume that this is being collected and scored. Because it is.

1. What are your conclusions from your work this week? Support any conclusions with specific evidence, observations, etc.

2. Describe the source of error that may have impacted your data and conclusions. Be sure to explain how the error worked to change the data and/or your conclusion based upon it.

3. What are the applications of your findings? How can be they used to benefit others?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 47. There will also be a check-in tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


There is no formal homework for tonight. You should review Assignment 47 and be familiar with what is going on during the experiment and the concepts related to it, but we will only be able to make inferences and draw conclusions once we collected more data.

Friday, March 27, 2015


This weekend's homework is to complete Assignment 45. See below.

Assignment 45: “Now You’re Cooking! – Part 1” Comprehension Questions

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. What is the Maillard reaction?
2. Which situations today were able to produce the Maillard reaction? Why or why not?

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Your homework for tonight is simply make sure that your observations and inferences from today's activity were recorded. Tomorrow, we'll discuss how and why cooked food tastes better - so if you are interested, you could read this (but we will likely be reading it in class tomorrow).

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 44.

Assignment #44 On Cooking: The (Very, Very) Basics


Today we will discuss cooking, namely what it is and especially why it is that we spend time (actually, less and less time) engaging in cooking. Cooking simply involves preparing food by heating it. Food can be baked, broiled, boiled, fried, grilled, roasted, simmered, or steamed in order to change it from raw foodstuffs (ex. wheat flour, yeast, water, etc.) to something more like the food with which we are familiar (ex. bread).


1. Watch the video clips and read the article/interview in order to take notes and construct a coherent response to answer the following question: Why do we cook? Think about ideas like the benefits of cooking, how cooking affected evolution, and other topics you find interesting.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Tonight's only homework is read/finish reading about "The History of Processed Food" which can be found here.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Tonight's homework is to continue preparing for tomorrow's quiz. Here is a link with the review questions from class today.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 41.

Questions from class today
What are the dangers of preservatives?
How are food additives tested for their safety?
How do food additives affect foods?
How much do food additives cost/add costs to our food supply?
How were different food additives discovered?
Why do food additives have such long, complex names?
Is there a difference between getting your vitamins from foods that have them added or foods that contain them naturally?
Which country has the healthiest farms/factories?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Tonight's homework is to obtain and bring a food label/package (with the ingredients list intact) of a food you consider "processed" to class tomorrow. Additionally, you should complete and submit Assignment 40 if you did not already do so. Work on your brackets if/when you need a break - they're due tomorrow.

Finally, let's have a quiz on Tuesday. Should be fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Student Opportunities

Students can apply for a 2 weeks coding summer program with a $2000 fellowship. 

Details and the application at:

The Center for Excellence in Youth Education, housed in the Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is pleased to announce the opening of our Summer Program Application!

This summer, we will offer three hands-on, project-based research courses for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. In addition, rising seniors are encouraged to apply to our Hospital Placement internship program. Do keep in mind that students who participate in one of our research courses, will receive preference for the internship program should they choose to apply during their junior year!

The new application and course descriptions are attached to this e-mail and will be posted on our website at: More specific directions related to the application process and requirements can be found on the coversheet of the application attached here.

Please note that applications are due April 2, 2015 and only students with complete applications will be considered.

Please also find a flyer for our upcoming Brain Awareness Fair on Thursday, March 19th, a hands-on event open to students of all ages! Lastly, check us out on Facebook at<  to see more of what we do at Mount Sinai.


Tonight's homework is to work on Assignment 40, which you will continue and complete in class tomorrow.

Assignment 40 – Evaluating Local/Organic Foods in Our Food Supply

Your college/university announces a proposal to incorporate more local and organic foods in the dining halls and other on-campus meal options. Students will get to vote on this initiative since it would impact (and likely raise) the prices of their meal plan options.

How would you vote? Support your position.

Mastery – 4
Proficient – 3
Satisfactory – 2
Needs Revision – 1

States clear, well-reasoned, and nuanced claim
States clear, well-reasoned claim
States a logical, but vague claim
States an illogical or indefensible position
Support of claim

Thoroughly supports claims with several detailed, convincing, specific reasons/pieces of evidence and offers strong rebuttals to opposing arguments
Thoroughly supports claims with multiple detailed, specific reasons/pieces of evidence and offers rebuttals to opposing arguments
Supports claims with multiple detailed, convincing specific reason/piece of evidence
Supports claims with reasons/ evidence that are not convincing due to lack of detail, specificity, or clarity OR not having enough pieces of evidence to support each claim

Organic Foods - Winter and Davis (2006), Journal of Food Science

Monday, March 16, 2015

Student Opportunities

Students can apply for a 2 weeks coding summer program with a $2000 fellowship. 

Details and the application at:

The Center for Excellence in Youth Education, housed in the Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is pleased to announce the opening of our Summer Program Application!

This summer, we will offer three hands-on, project-based research courses for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. In addition, rising seniors are encouraged to apply to our Hospital Placement internship program. Do keep in mind that students who participate in one of our research courses, will receive preference for the internship program should they choose to apply during their junior year!

The new application and course descriptions are attached to this e-mail and will be posted on our website at: More specific directions related to the application process and requirements can be found on the coversheet of the application attached here.

Please note that applications are due April 2, 2015 and only students with complete applications will be considered.

Please also find a flyer for our upcoming Brain Awareness Fair on Thursday, March 19th, a hands-on event open to students of all ages! Lastly, check us out on Facebook at<  to see more of what we do at Mount Sinai.

March Madness

Click here to set up your Men's tournament bracket and here to set up your Women's tournament bracket. Use the password we discussed during class (our mascot with only the first letter capitalized). More about it will be explained in class tomorrow, but basically if you pick well (i.e. better than me), you can earn some extra credit.


I hope that everybody enjoyed the chance to get outside and take a brief trip down to the farmers market. Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 39.

Friday, March 13, 2015


This weekend's homework is to research, read, and write at least one page about the organic and local food movements. Think about defining each, as well discussing examples and the advantages/disadvantages of each.

Also, there is a strong likelihood that we will head to the Union Square Green Market tomorrow during class. It is only open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and the weather is supposed to be much nicer tomorrow than Wednesday. This is just a heads up about bringing a coat, etc. We will still meet in my room as we normally do though.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 38 and prepare for tomorrow's check-in. Here is the section from Fast Food Nation that we read today in class.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read "What's Eating America" by Michael Pollan (from Smithsonian Magazine) and also to check for and count the number of foods/food products in your home that contain corn (in any form).

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Tonight's homework is to prepare (in other words, write a least a page with your arguments and support) for tomorrow's debate on the mandatory labeling of foods/food products that contain genetically modified organisms. Below you will find the articles from class that you can use to help form and support arguments in support of your assigned claim (either being for or against mandatory labeling). Feel free to continue researching on your own - just be sure to record your sources.

NOTE: If you were absent today, then you should choose a side (for or against), conduct research/read, and prepare a 1+ page write-up of your arguments and evidence. You will either participate in the debate or assist me in running it.

Useful Resources
Why We Should Accept GMO Labels
Labels for GMOs Are a Bad Idea
Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods Fact Sheet

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Tonight's homework is to return to the previous posting and read at least one more article.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read at least of the one articles below and write a 1+ page response to the following questions:

GMO Discussion Questions

· What is GM?
· How/why is it used?
· What concerns do people have about GMOs/GM foods?
· What do you think?
· What questions do you have about GMOs?

Required Reading
The Next Green Revolution - National Geographic
Are Engineered Foods Evil? - Scientific American

Useful resources
This GMO Apple Won't Brown. Will That Sour The Fruit's Image? -
Case studies: A hard look at GMOs -
Don't Be Afraid of Genetic Modification - NY Times
Overview of GMOs @ Scitable (from Nature magazine)
Debate on GMOs - Intelligence Squared

Friday, February 27, 2015


This weekend's homework is to complete the reading distributed in class and write a one page reflection answering, "Why is it important to know about where our food comes from and how it is produced?"

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Tonight's homework is to read about growing your own food and community garden using the following resources:

Background gardening: grow your own food, improve your health - Harvard Medical School
66 Things You Can Grow At Home - How Stuff Works
Find your nearest community garden in NYC!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Tonight's homework is to continue working on your experimental question, hypothesis, and the plan you will implement this week to test it. Tomorrow you will submit your EQ and hypothesis and continue to refine your plan.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 35 and respond to the following questions.

How has agriculture changed over the past century?
What are the implications/consequences of these changes to agriculture?
How should we think about agriculture? Has it been good? Bad? And for whom?
Reading from today's class - The 20th Century Transformation of U.S. Agriculture and Farm Policy (NOTE: We only read pages 1 through 8, not the whole document)

Useful Resources
The Agricultural Revolution (video clip from class)

Agriculture: The Accident That Changed the World
The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race by Jared Diamond (Discovery Magazine)

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Your homework tonight (and thus, over the midwinter break) is to complete your proposal for this unit's project. See here for details.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Tonight's homework is to complete Part 1 of Assignment 34.

Assignment #34 How Is Our Food Made? – Investigating the Origins of Common Foods


Why is orange juice available all throughout the year (even oranges don’t grow year round)? How is cheese made? From what part of a pig do we get bacon? In many cases, we don’t know very much about the foods we commonly eat. Today and tomorrow (and throughout this unit), we will try to reverse that trend and start to investigate and better understand the origins of our favorite foods.

Procedure – Part 1

1. Review the choices and briefly discuss with your group who is going to investigate the production of each of the following foods – bread, orange juice, cheese, bacon, and mayonnaise.

2. Listen for further instructions about where students will be grouped to investigate each food.

3. Use the laptops to read, watch, learn, and record notes about the production of your assigned food. Some ideas for organizing your notetaking:

a. What are the ingredients contained in your food?

b. What kind(s) of processes are used to create your food from its ingredients? Briefly describe what occurred during each major step.

c. What new vocabulary did you learn in your investigation?

d. What interesting facts (ex. statistics) should the rest of your group know about your food/its production?

4. Prepare a very brief visual aid (ex. Prezi, Powerpoint, handout, small poster/chart) to teach the rest of your (original, normal) group about how your food is produced.

Part 2

5a. Present and teach your group about how your food was produced.

5b. Take notes while listening to other group members’ presentations.


Answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability in complete sentences.

1. What is your reaction upon learning a bit more about where your food comes from and how it is produced?

2. What did the production of all of these foods seem to have in common? Which factors were unique for each food?

3. What lingering questions do you have about the origins and production of food?
Helpful Videos?

Swiss cheese and Goat cheese
Orange juice

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Tonight's homework is to choose/develop a question related to food production and then research its answer in order to write a page in response. Here is a link to the reading from class today.

Questions from class

How do food production companies deal with waste? Is waste reused in (or as) food?
Why don't we know where our food comes from?
How much of my food is "natural?"
What does it mean for food to be "natural," "artificial," or "organic?"
Which chemicals are used to grow fruits/vegetables?
What types of chemicals are used in food processing (ex. fast foods)?
Why does all food from a chain (ex. McDonald's) taste the same?
How does food last so long?
How do GMOs affect our food supply?
What occurs in slaughterhouses?

How is meat processed?
Where do Rice Krispy treats come from?
How do foods last so long? What are the effects of different preserving methods?
What's the deal with applesauce?
How are farms able to keep producing more and more food over time?
Why do we grow more grains than vegetables?
Where can we purchase different types of foods (ex. organic, etc.)?
Why don't companies sell/people buy more "natural" food?
What does it mean for food to be "natural," "artificial," or "organic?"
How is milk produced? How are foods made with it?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Re: Midterm

I definitely was impressed and pleased by a lot of the preparation and effort I saw in students getting ready for today's midterm. I'll work to get it graded as quickly as possible. Good luck on tomorrow's exams and your exhibition presentations!

Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26/15 - Snowpocalypse Edition

Your HW tonight and tomorrow (and who knows how long) is to study - and complete/go through Assignment 33. If you have questions at any point, shoot me an email.

Topics We Discussed This Semester

Unit 1 - Determinants of Food Choice
- cost, availability, location, taste, convenience (among many others) - know examples of these factors/how they work

Unit 2 - Food and the Human Body
- digestion - know the organs and the enzymes, the path that food takes, chemical v. mechanical digestion
- macronutrients - proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, water - know definitions (ex. saturated fats or polysaccharides), examples, sources, functions
- calories - definition, how many are found in carbs, etc.
- reading and interpreting a nutrition label
- micronutrients - vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, Vitamins A, C, D, E and folate - know the functions, deficiency symptoms, and sources associated with each

Unit 3 - Diet and Health
- chronic disease v. acute disease
- leading causes of death - CVD, cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension - relationship to obesity, connection to diet
- obesity - causes of obesity
- health claims v. structure-function claims

Friday, January 23, 2015


This weekend's homework is to... STUDY.  Review your notes, old quizzes, check-ins, and review sheets, this website :-), etc. and come ready with questions on Monday.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Tonight's homework is to review the notes that you took in class today. You will be writing about the effectiveness of herbal supplements and/or the trustworthiness of the claims they present. And while you're at it, why not start preparing for the midterm?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Tonight's homework is to finish your presentations/posters and be ready to present about your findings for about 10 or so minutes (NOTE: your presentation should only be 2 to 3 minutes, but you will be presenting it a few times). See previous posts for assistance and let me know if you have further questions.

Also, remember that the midterm exam is on 1/29. It helps to prepare sooner than later.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Tonight's homework is to continue your preparations for your presentation on Thursday. See below for reminders or if you missed class/misplaced any handouts. Here is a model (with multiple ways to show the same information/slide) that could be helpful.

Investigating and Evaluating Health Claims – Part 2 Task You will use your newly expanded understanding of claims found on food/supplement packaging in order to make and support a more general claim about the trustworthiness of health claims. In order to do this, you will first present your work to the rest of the class on Thursday – either through a Powerpoint/Prezi or a poster summarizing the findings of your research. Then on Friday, you will review what you learned from the rest of the class and write (and support) a claim answering questions like “How trustworthy are the claims on supplement labels?” or “How helpful are herbal supplements?”
 Procedure 1. Use your research and conclusions to create a 2-3 minute presentations outlining your conclusions about the effectiveness of herbal supplements and your supporting evidence.
 Use your research and conclusions to craft a poster/visual aid that outlines your conclusions about the effectiveness of herbal supplements and your supporting evidence.
 2. Prepare to speak coherently, intelligently, and eloquently about your conclusions and evidence on Thursday. Other students will be listening to your findings and using them as evidence to support their writing.

Mastery – 4
Proficient – 3
Satisfactory – 2
Needs Revision – 1
Quality of presentation
(Work Habits)
-Written/presented work is easy to read, yet sophisticated, and consistently free of errors while oral presentation is competent, professional, engaging and hooks the audience’s attention
Written/presented work is easy to read and consistently free of errors while oral presentation is competent, professional, and interesting

Written/presented work is unclear and/or contains several errors while oral presentation is lacking in content or unprofessional

Errors and/or the lack of clarity make comprehension difficult while oral presentation is unfocused and unprofessional


States clear, well-reasoned claim and counterclaim
States clear, well-reasoned claim
States a logical, but vague claim
States an illogical or indefensible position
Support of claim

Thoroughly supports claims with several detailed, convincing, specific reasons/pieces of evidence as well as refuted counterclaims
Thoroughly supports claims with multiple detailed, specific reasons/pieces of evidence as well as attempts at forming counterclaims/ refutations of them
Supports claims with multiple detailed, convincing specific reason/piece of evidence
Supports claims with reasons/ evidence that are not convincing due to lack of detail, specificity, or clarity OR not having enough pieces of evidence to support each claim
Demonstrates knowledge of class material
Very consistently demonstrates deep knowledge of related material by correctly using vocabulary and explaining examples clearly.
Consistently demonstrates knowledge of related material by correctly using vocabulary and explaining examples.
Demonstrates knowledge of related material by using vocabulary and explaining examples, but with some errors.
Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of class material through errors or lack of usage/ explanation.
Writing conventions
Writes elegantly and in a sophisticated manner while very consistently adhering to spelling and grammar conventions.
Very consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.
Consistently adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.
Mostly adheres to spelling and grammar conventions.